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Ovun and Revolve NTNU - Innovating Advantageous Aerodynamics
Revolutionizing the Industry: Bertel O. Steen's Drive for Software Innovation
Revolve NTNU and SKF - Smooth Operation and Accelerated Performance
ARWo 2024
Creating a winning car with Inission Løkken
RevolveDay 2024
January Workshop
Autumn Semester Recap
Testing and Tuning a High-Performance Racecar With Cutting-Edge Telemetry Solutions
Design, Production and Calibration of a Combined Pitot-static and Yaw Probe
SKF and Revolve NTNU – An Invaluable Partnership
Semcon Norge & Revolve NTNU – Turning Ideas Into Reality
Radionor Communications & Revolve NTNU – Unmatched
Times Are Changing
RecMan and Revolve NTNU – Future-oriented Developers
Unleashing our shooting star
Mjøs Metallvarefabrikk AS and Revolve NTNU
The final sprint for design & manufacturing
Inching closer to the Unveiling
The Autonomous Racing Workshop (ARWo) 2023
Inission – unbeatable co-operation since 2013
Cybernetics in Car Control
Get to Know Our Software Department
Get to Know Our Marketing Department
Get to Know Our Mechanical Department
Get to Know Our Electrical Department
Get to Know the Board of Team 2023
Hello, 2023
November Recap
The Beginning of Team 2023