about us
accelerating students to become world-class engineers
Together, we are a multidisciplinary team of 60 students representing 20 different majors. From our workshop near NTNU Gløshaugen, we work to create a world-class racecar and gain unique experience.
Interested in joining?
what we do
we create the engineers of the future
By putting theory in practice, we gain unique experience
we create the engineers of the future
By putting theory in practice, we gain unique experience
core value
We are dedicated to reach our goals and put in the hours needed
core value
We set ambitious goals and dare to fail, but work relentlessly to succeed
core value
We develop innovative systems and dare to try new concepts
how we work
a new team begins
We are New members jump right into learning all about how to make a racecar from start to finish to reach our goals and put in the hours needed.
concept phase
We present the year’s system concepts and get feedback on what’s doable and not.
november - december
design phase
Once concepts are set, it’s time to get started on designing them and see how the various systems fit together.
january - february
It's time to produce our designs. Some parts are produced in-house, whilst others are ordered.
We host our very own career fair, an eventful day where the students can get directly in touch with our dedicated sponsors.
the unveiling
After assembly, the new car is ready for the world. This evening show celebrates the team, our sponsors and partners.
june - july
testing season
To prepare for the competitions, we spend the summer testing, tuning and perfecting the car.
It's time to go head-to-head with some of the best teams in the world at competitions all over Europe
affordable and clean energy
battery technology and energy efficiency
Groundbreaking technology advancement with a focus on energy efficiency through battery technology development and electrification.
quality education
education for the problem solvers and leaders of the future
Driving research for Master and Bachelor theses through development of key competence needed in a sustainable world. We inspire a new and diverse generation of engineers and leaders.
industry, innovation and infrastructure
reduced costs and process optimization
We require LCA of every system and push for process optimization and cost reduction.
critical production analysis
Our two very own university courses (TPK4141 and TPK4142) focus on innovation, design and production, including a semester assignment revolving sustainability in processes, production or specific systems on the car.
previous semester assignment
Analysis of the Waste and Waste Management of Revolve NTNU's Composite Production, Specifically the Waste of Carbon Fiber Usage
previous semester assignment
Life Cycle Analysis of Carbon Fiber Rims Compared to Carbon Fiber Aluminium Rims
previous semester assignment
An Analysis of the Life Cycle of the PCBs and their Sustainability with Regards to the Environment
previous semester assignments
we are a social actor
Through communications with academia and the industry, and motivational presentations for schools, we drive towards a greener future.
we are a social actor
Through communications with academia and the industry, and motivational presentations for schools, we drive towards a greener future.
previous event attendance